Sunday, October 01, 2006

The First 8 Days

Right now, it's already 11pm. I should be sleeping in order to wake up for sahur at 3.30am tomorrow. But I am inexplicably gripped by the desire to write something about my first 8 days of Ramadhan here.

It has truly been a roller-coaster ride. I am still sad. Not just because I'm away from my family, it also has to do with the feeling that Ramadhan here doesn't feel like Ramadhan. It sounds confusing, but I'm sure you get what I mean. Back home, you can sense that it's Ramadhan; you can smell, feel, breathe it. Here, you don't really feel how special Ramadhan is.

I am heeding Fatin's advice to not think too much about it. But it's soO difficult!! :(

My first 8 days have their ups and downs. Let's start with the good stuffs:

1) Received my Raya parcel from home. It was a lovely surprise since I was not expecting it for another 2 weeks. The parcel contains: 1 baju kurung + matching tudung + telekung + blouse + Faisal Tehrani's 'Tunggu Teduh Dulu' + a lovely letter from my sis.

2) Bought a pink skirt to go with my new blouse

3) Went to Featherdale Wildlife Park. Got to see animals such as: kangaroo, wombat, tasmanian devil, koala, dingo & emu upclose

4) Ate a lot of good food!! Here is my break of fast food log:
-1st day: lamb curry + ikan goreng + sagu gula melaka + Fatin's cheesecake
-2nd day: ayam panggang + whipped potato
-3rd day: mee kari + begedil + popia
-4th day: nasi goreng ikan masin + telur bungkus + choc chip muffin
-5th day: nasi lemak + kuih cek mek molek [courtesy of Durra, Ana & Tasha]
-6th day: tom yam + puding jagung
-7th day: nasi beryani + lamb curry
-8th day: bihun goreng + puding roti + roti john + coleslaw

I have to thank Nisa for cooking such delicious meals each day. :)

Ok ... now for the bad stuffs:

1) This has been the most unproductive break ever!! 2 weeks void of academic work. It should not be a big deal except that I have a major assigment due on 10th Oct!!

What I have been doing:
- oversleeping
- Bollywood marathon with Harvin & Nisa (Mohabbatein, Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi, etc)
- watching tv excessively (Kill Bill, The Wedding Planner, etc)

2) Had the most horrible headache the other day

3) The sink in my kitchen is blocked! As a result, dirty dishes piled up & we are forced to wash the dishes in front of our house (in full view of bewildered MUV residents) or at Tasha's place. This is only done when there are absolutely no clean dishes left.

The sink is blocked since Friday night. We are told that we can only call a plumber after the weekend and the Labour Day holiday. Until then, cooking and cleaning up are very trying affairs. This is what I called "dugaan bulan Ramadhan"(!)

While waiting for Tuesday, we tried "unblocking" the sink by using a plunger. It didn't work. You should have seen me thrusting the plunger with such determination - I must have looked like a demented person.

+ + +
The mid-term break is over. Have to buck up now. Besides, wouldn't it be a pity to spend the rest of Ramadhan like that??
May the remaining 22 days be more meaningful & dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya ... insyaAllah ...


me said...

syada, ur bukak puasa menu sedap2 gile!

well, be patient syada.of course it's not the same here but yeah, try to be positive and optimistic ya? as i said, the downpoints are definitely there tapi kene tabah la kan :P

and ehe, u bought another skirt too? ape sume org beli skirt nih? man, i should get one myself! no, maybe two, or three terus! hehe

and u are more than welcome to membasuh dan mencuci at my house hehe

Anonymous said...

yer syada..
sabar yer..
dugaan ni..
klu bosan pegi buat biskut raye..
pegi dload lagu raye..
semangat sket..

qu33n^ang3l said...

wah amat best menu ni~~ yela.. my most unproductive holidays also~~ iskkkk

Miss Aini said...
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Miss Aini said...

ur right. sungguh byk dugaan bpuasa d negeri omputeh ini. huhuh~ rokok sane sini, mkn smbl jln, bau kafe, parti2 (yer, plural--parties, they hv it almost every nite, upcoming is event for steve irwin la plak. dress code: australian classic dress<--huh?)mrk berparti gile2 kerna br msk kolej. xpaham knape nk kne adekan party2 ituh. ptt mintak kt HEP dlu mase induction-week-party nie kn?(hehe, sure ainee kne blasah pasnie~)
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa syada. may the force be with you~! in ramadhan, puasa you must.

Anonymous said...

Aku jua merasai apa yang kau rasa

Motivasi utk diri sendiri juga ni.
Read this somewhere long time ago,
"If we are sincere
We can found God in our very own room!"

Chin up Syada!
Marilah bersama2 berusaha!

fATin Ali said...

wahhhh!! dah cukup best la tuhhh.. dapat parcel.. baju baru, telekung.. nennene.. best2!!
makan pon cukup... cukup sedap~!
yeah.. but lack of the ambience.. heheheh..
tape2 at least we dont face with any catasthrope like negara2 nenene tuh.. dok kat refugee camp-like tunggu org bagi food n baju... heheehhe chaiyok syada!!

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

bile mase kite makan roti john?

*garu kepale*

Rosyada said...

ooo .. tu makan kat umah farah.