Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Same old story

I remember this particular Calvin & Hobbes cartoon strip. Calvin was putting off working on his writing assignment. He complained; "You can't turn creativity on like a faucet - You need to be in a specific state of mind/mood".

"And what mood is that?" Hobbes asked.

--->"Last-minute panic", Calvin replied, deadpanned.

I've only started marking recently and with the school about to reopen soon, I'm having acute panic attacks.

Tu la... menyesal dulu pendapatan...

1 comment:

Jarod Yong said...

I always make it a point NEVER to bring any work back for the hols even if I have to rush through it in 1 day.
I brought work with me during the hols twice in my career. Worse decision ever. The procrastination. The guilt. The icky never really able to enjoy myself feeling.
Then, I mastered the art of speed-marking & now I'm enjoying my hols to the MAX.

Yup, you need to be a level 50 teacher to acquire that skill.