I truly felt for the first time that I might just hate my job.
My theory is that the academic calender shouldn't stretch more than 4 weeks long. This current stretch has been in session since 15th June! 7 weeks down, 3 weeks to go. 10 weeks in all! Adoi... There should be little breaks in between for the sake of the teachers' sanity.
Alhamdulillah, that dark phase had past. With only 3 weeks to go, I'm beginning to see the faint light at the end of the very long and dark tunnel... hahaha
Anyway, marking the Moral papers for the first time provided me with some comic reliefs. Marking is generally a very tedious job. But there are bound to be a few scripts out of the whole pile that will set you off laughing out loud.
Example A:
There are bound to be students who will leave a personal message, expressing guilt or appealing for compassion.
You will encounter numerous spelling errors. Some of these errors will inadvertently distort the points that the candidates wanted to convey.
But KeLURUHan Perlembagaan means the disintegration of the constitution (!)
Other distortions of Keluhuran:
The question asks the students' opinion about someone who opted to forgo a higher-paying job overseas in order to serve and contribute to her own country's growth.
The expected answer should run along the lines of:
-Cinta akan negara: mempunyai perasaan sayang dan ingin memajukan negara.
-Sanggup berkorban untuk negara: rela pulang ke tanah air demi berkhidmat ke arah pertumbuhan negara.
Most of the students wrote something similar to the above answer. Except for one. He answered:
Based on my first experience of marking the Moral papers, I think that we need to do away with such tests all together since they are invalid.
If I remember my EDUC265 correctly, a test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure.
For example, if you have a test which requires the students to write everything they know about WW2 in 5 minutes and then proceeded to mark the students' papers based on the number of words the students had written, and not their content, then your test is invalid.
It might be valid test to measure speed-writing but not a valid test to measure the students' understanding of WW2.
Similarly, the Moral tests are not measuring anything worthwhile. Why then should we continue administering them?
I'm not proposing to do away with the Moral subject all together. The syllabus does contain important issues for the students to be acquainted with. But how do we make sure the students internalise the theoretical knowledge found in the textbook? Is it even possible for teachers to inculcate the listed values in the students simply by spouting their importance 160mins a week in class?
There has got to be a better way of doing things...
The government needs to have an equivalent to Islamic Studies.
Christians can have Bible Knowledge but what do the others have besides Moral Knowledge?
Our Moral subject has never been about testing Moral Practice. It has always been about Moral Knowledge.
I dont have a problem with Moral Knowledge but I do have problems with restricting reasoning (which helps with all real-life moral considerations) by forcing students to adhere to a strictly limited scheme of answers.
well-said Jarod
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