Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Too much

"Prudie thought that she could just do the rest of it--watch them for signs of suicide or weapons or pregnancy or drug addiction or sexual abuse--but asking her to teach them French at the same time was really too much."

I'm nursing a cold right now and when I think of all the things that I'm supposed to do, I recalled the above excerpt from Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book Club.

I may not deal with suicidal or pregnant students or all the other extreme cases, but I do feel overwhelmed by the various (unrelated to teaching) tasks that I'm supposed to do.

Yes, I can deal with the SMM data entry, the minutes, the documentations, the class register, the school fee collection, etc but how am I to teach English at the same time?

When would I have the time to plan lessons, to mark books, to do the oral tests, to use ICT in the classroom, etc?

I promised myself not to complain but being sick makes me susceptible to self-pity :-(


SarahDin said...

well, my dad always told me...

Buatlah yg terbaik, stakat yg termampu...

at least u try ur best, it doesnt matter wut other ppl think or say about u...da most important thing is, ur serving Allah..n ur doing ur best to serve Him...

take it as a test from Him...
insyaAllah, things will be alrite..

get well soon Syada =)

Jarod Yong said...

Do what you can & get some rest, okay?
Nurse yourself back to health!

me said...

it's alright to have some self-pity once in awhile. but yes, do what you can and do it at your best!

get well soon syada!